Wallcoverings v/s Pain...t

Wallcovering Example
Paint Example




Time Saving

Just 3 hours for one wall and 8 hours to do the entire room. Plus you can change even 1 wall at a time if you desire.

Consistent Design

Consistency in design and texture since the design and texture is machine made.

Long Lasting

Lasts for at least for 8 years.

Non-Fading Colours

No colour fading with the vinyl wallcoverings.

Easy to Correct

Can be serviced easily with invisible patch work as well.


Environment friendly with no smell or dust created.


Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and repels dust.

100% Washable

Made with vinyl and thus 100% washable with any soap detergent.

Energy Saver

Wallcoverings work as thermal insulators thus by reducing the heat transferring through the walls. As per newspaper reports certify a 5-8% saving in consumption of electricity.


Our wallcoverings range starts from 27 per sft and goes as high as 2000 per sft. However all the wallcoverings are featured. Thus featured wallcoverings are cheaper by 50% as compared to plain paint and 75% cheaper as compared to plastic paint.

Unlimited Variety

Unbelievable variety of more than 5000+ designs and textures in varied colours. With the range of digital wallpapers, the sky is your imagine and the same can even be replicated on the wall.

Full of Life

Wallcoverings give a beautiful structure to the wall making them beautiful and look beautiful and lofty. All high end places be it 4 or 5 star hotels, corporate offices, luxurious homes, modular apartments by builders prefer wallcoverings to enhance their interiors.


Marshalls vinyl wallcoverings are fire retardant, high tear and scratch resistant.

Time Consuming & Messy

It takes minimum of 7 days to do one room. Additionally no painter does only 1 wall.

Inconsistent Design

Texture paint is inconsistent in design due to the manual nature of design creation.

Appearance of Cracks

Starts developing cracks in 2-3 years.

Colours Fade

Paint starts fading in 2-3 years and needs another coat of paint to freshen up.


If spoiled, needs complete re-painting of the wall.


Creates a wall, harmful for environment, plus the smell and dust creates a huge mess. Asthma patients and old people have to avoid the same.

Hygiene Issues

Attracts fungi, bacteria and dust especially when leakage strikes.


Attracts fungi, bacteria and dust especially when leakage strikes.

Non-Energy Saving

Paint is a good conductor of heat and cold. Thus in summer a painted room is warmer as compared to a non-painted room and in winter it will be warmer as compared to a painted room.


Plain paint costs between 30-50 per sft installed and other finishes like velvet etc. go higher. However if you go for darker colours then the price further increases due to extra coats of paint required and even with the base paint the price is between 80-150 per sft.

Limited Variety

Variety is unlimited indeed and the variety lies only in choosing the colour.

Paint Looks Lifeless

Paint gives a very flat, barren and Full of Lifelessness look to the wall.

No Such Feature

No safety features mentioned.